How much fuel does your body need? Does it like to burn fat more or sugar?

Find out with a clinical-grade PNOĒ RMR test today. Pinpoint the number of calories you burn at rest and discover more about how your metabolism impacts your health and energy.

PNOĒ RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) Testing & Analysis

Burn more fat. Build more muscle.

Knowing your metabolic health and RMR is crucial to your success on any nutrition or training plan.

  • See how efficient your body is at converting food to energy and using fat or sugar as fuel.

  • Feed your body in a way that achieves your goals and conquer plateaus.

  • Learn if you have a slowed metabolism to understand frustrated attempts to lose weight and plateaus.

Reach your goals with efficiency.

Your metabolism refers to all the chemical processes that your body undergoes every day to keep you alive.

Many factors affect your metabolic rate, including weight, age, body composition, environment, hormone levels, and gender.

These factors make it a highly unique and essential number to know, since

  • Your RMR accounts for about 60-70 percent of all energy you expend.

  • It represents the number of calories you need to maintain essential functions at rest (like heartbeat and breathing!)

  • Pinpointing the precise number of calories, you burn at rest is crucial if you want to lose weight or build lean mass.

Your health goal is why testing your RMR is so important vs. using an equation.

Even the most "accurate" equation-based RMR estimations can vary as much as 30 to 40 percent!

The PNOĒ RMR test is medical-grade and significantly more accurate than all formula-based RMR/BMR estimates.

How does the PNOĒ RMR test work?

Preparing For The Test

Diligent preparation is vital because your RMR is very sensitive. It is affected by many factors, including environment, genetics, hormones, stress, movement, and digestion.

Pre-Test Protocol:

  1. PNOĒ recommends a minimum 5 hour fast (preferably overnight) with no food, alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine.

  2. No vigorous exercise for at least 48 hours and no light exercise for at least 24 hours before RMR testing.

  3. The day before the test should be a rest day.

  4. ​Continue taking any prescription medications as recommended by your doctor.​​

  5. Come to the test in comfortable clothing.

  6. Test is conducted in a quiet, temperature-controlled environment.

  7. Expect to relax for at least 10-20 minutes before the test (arrive early for proper breath instruction and other information).

During The PNOĒ RMR Metabolic Test:

We like to think of your RMR Metabolic test as a 15 to 20-minute meditation to break up the stress of your day...

  1. All you need to do is relax comfortably in a chair while breathing into a mask.

  2. We calculate the amount of oxygen you consume during this time.

  3. We analyze your data, review it with you, and answer any questions.

​RMR & Active Test Customer Preparation and Expectations Video

Precision Nutrition Health Coaching Program

Precise and Simple.

That's the foundation of our Health Coaching program.
Our dietitians & coaches have spent years designing and perfecting a system that provides us the precise information we need to create a simple-to-follow program. And with our monthly coaching, we're here to guide, motivate, and teach you every step of your journey.

Our program is truly a blend of art and science.
To achieve the scientific precision needed to design an effective personalized program for you, we measure, re-measure, and re-measure again. We will analyze your resting metabolism, your carbohydrate to fat utilization, lung capacity, and more.

We do this because your body composition and caloric needs will change as you change throughout the program. The art of the program is in how we adapt it along with your body's adaptation using AI Nutrition. Because if you don't adapt, you'll plateau, and THAT is where most people begin to gain back the weight. And since everybody is different, your program is specifically tailored to you.

Once you've reached your goal, then the real work begins, maintaining the results. Now, this is where all the guidance and teaching we've done throughout your program begins to matter. We'll teach you the three steps to fixing a broken diet: how to measure your foods, read nutritional content labels, count your calories, and, most importantly, how to adjust your meal plan. Why do we focus so heavily on teaching you instead of just telling you what to do? Well, because honestly, we want to coach ourselves right out of our jobs.

4 Month Progress

  • Lost ~41 lbs.

  • Increased Metabolic Efficiency 20%.

  • Increased Respiratory Fitness 14%.

  • Increased Breathing & Mobility 9%.

  • Increased Breathing & Cognition 9%.

  • Increased Fat Burning Efficiency 13%.

  • Increased Fat Utilization 26%.

  • Decreased Carbohydrate Utilization 26%.

  • Increased VO2 Peak by 2 ml / min / kg.

  • Increased Anaerobic threshold 12 bpm.

  • Increased Ventilatory threshold by 51 bpm.

  • Here's some stuff



PNOĒ Metabolic Profile Testing & Analysis

Improve Conditioning and Recovery.

Knowing your metabolic health and RMR is crucial to your success on any nutrition or training plan.

  • Aerobic Health is the best predictor of overall health since a high oxygen absorption or VO2peak requires effective operation of all critical organs, namely lungs, heart, cells, and blood.

  • Cardiovascular Fitness is a gauge of your cardiovascular system’s ability to pump oxygen-rich blood to your body.

  • High Intensity Performance is a gauge of how well your lungs and heart perform at high exercise intensities.

  • Recovery Capacity is a gauge of your ability to recover from physical exercise efficiently.

  • Fat Burning Efficiency is the gauge of your cells’ ability to use fat as a fuel

    source during exercise.

  • Movement Economy is a gauge of how many calories you burn during exercise.

The PNOĒ Metabolic Profile Test is medical-grade and significantly more accurate than all formula-based 220-Age Heart Rate Zoning estimates.

How does the PNOĒ RMR test work?

Preparing For The Test

Diligent preparation is vital because your RMR is very sensitive. It is affected by many factors, including environment, genetics, hormones, stress, movement, and digestion.

Pre-Test Protocol:

  1. PNOĒ recommends a minimum 5 hour fast (preferably overnight) with no food, alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine.

  2. No vigorous exercise for at least 48 hours and no light exercise for at least 24 hours before RMR testing.

  3. The day before the test should be a rest day.

  4. ​Continue taking any prescription medications as recommended by your doctor.​​

  5. Come to the test in comfortable clothing.

  6. Test is conducted in a quiet, temperature-controlled environment.

  7. Expect to relax for at least 10-20 minutes before the test (arrive early for proper breath instruction and other information).

During The PNOĒ Metabolic Profile Test:

Your Metabolic Profile Test is a controlled ramp test to exhaustion.

  1. Following a brief parameters check.

  2. 3 minute active warm up.

  3. On the minute every minute going up by an incremental percent of intensity.

  4. If done correctly the participant will exhaust between 9-12 minutes.

  5. This is followed by a 2.5 minute recovery period.

About Us

At Starke Industries, the mission is to bridge the gap between the medical and fitness industries to optimize human performance. As the first stage of preventative medicine, evidence-based practices and comprehensive assessments, create customized data-driven training programs.

This ensures the effectiveness, long-term health and the ability to reach full potential, whether you're an elite athlete or focused on overall fitness.

Contact Us

122 West Northwest Highway, Palatine IL 60067

(847) 750-3025

Email: tyler@starkeit.com

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